Contrast Paints: The Wall
This page is a Contrast Paints Color Comparison Chart, for the lack of a more solid industry term. You can head over to this post for a more detailed description of the different properties of these paint brands and their primers. Using Citadel's Contrast Paints as a base for this chart, we tried our best to match up Scale 75's Instant Colors, and Warcolours' Antithesis paints as closely as possible, but bear in mind that they may not be 100% accurate. The colors chosen are the ones we found a close match to across all brands (mostly), and hence we did not use the full range.
The comparison is primarily based on the shades these paints dry to in reality rather than their equivalent hex codes, which you can personally verify by visiting our post and checking out the reference charts made by the community. Results may vary based on the primer being used.
Feedback would be appreciated especially with Warcolours' Antithesis paints since they're of a different composition but we did not see their entire paints range in action, and would like to keep enhancing this chart. Moreover, this page serves as a buying guide for those who prefer acquiring individual paints to an entire set, and is divided into sets of threes based on similar color tones.

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All images are properties of their respective manufacturers.
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